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• Author: Healthcare Team

At Media Logic, we’re always looking for emerging technologies and start-up companies that have created new and innovative solutions for healthcare consumers, providers and payers. About a year ago, Media Logic CEO David Schultz met Dan Cerutti, CEO of Maia Care. Dan shared his vision for Maia, an app that provides a wide range of support for the entire caregiver team. David was so impressed that he decided to invest in the company.
David recently spoke with Dan about the inspiration for his company and the value Maia brings to consumers and health plans. Read their conversation below.
What inspired you to get into the health tech space?
Every day in the US, there are 5,000 more seniors who want to age in place. Eventually, most need some help, and family caregivers willingly take on the physical, emotional and financial challenges. As caregivers ourselves, the founders of Maia Care knew that there is no comprehensive source of help.
We don’t actually call Maia a health technology. There are hundreds of apps to help with the many aspects of health care. Maia Care serves caregivers and is a complement to medical care and health plans. Maia goes way beyond health issues. Older adults face challenges that range from safety to social engagement to legal and financial issues. The Maia platform and app helps with everything related to aging and caregiving.
How did you figure out what the market needed?
We spent a year researching the market and interviewed over a hundred caregivers, social workers, doctors, care managers and health plan experts. Frankly, we were surprised that a platform had not been developed for caregivers. But no group had the right incentives, and it was a significant undertaking. It took us 18 months, 3 prototypes and Alpha and Beta testing to create a platform and app that has all of the capabilities that users need but is still easy to use.
Tell us about your solution and how it works.
The Maia app is designed to be the first place a caregiver goes when they have a concern or need to communicate with fellow caregivers. The Maia app runs on mobile devices and can also be used in a web browser. Maia Care’s AI technology delivers customized suggestions and data-driven insights based on the specific needs of an older adult and their caregivers, supported by a library of over 5,000 articles not available on the internet. Caregivers can coordinate care using a shared events calendar, secure group messaging, document management and a care note journal.
What does the Maia app cost?
The Maia app is available to caregivers at a nominal fee for each caregiver Circle, but the fee is often subsidized, in whole or in part, by Maia Care customers and partners. Maia Care customers and partners include Medicare Advantage health plans, risk-bearing health systems, government municipalities and other large groups serving senior communities.
What does a family get from the Maia app?
Indispensable information, early warning about risks and practical suggestions, an easy way to keep all caregivers on the same page and immediate access to health plan and provider care managers, which leads to confidence and peace of mind.
Why would a health plan want Maia?
One of the biggest challenges health plans face around senior care is preventing expensive avoidable medical events. They know that the answer is engagement and intervention at critical points. McKinsey studies have shown that health plan efforts are effective about 6% of the time. Maia connects care managers with family caregivers, providing opportunities to improve outcomes.
How does the Maia app compare to other options?
There are a few apps out there for caregiver communication and collaboration. And, of course, there are many websites where you can find useful health and caregiver information. But the websites generally focus on one aspect of an older adult’s life, and many sites exist to sell a product or service, including elder institutional care. Maia is the only app and platform that combines caregiving AI with a comprehensive library of content and a robust communication platform.
How do you approach compliance, which is a hot topic for healthcare marketers?
Maia does not provide medical advice and is, therefore, not subject to clinical regulations. That said, Maia Care follows the guidelines for the treatment of Protected Health Information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.
What does it take to get started as a consumer?
It’s easy. Just go to and submit a request to be a charter user. Then, download the Maia Care app in the Apple or Google store, create an account and get started.
What if I am a health plan interested in making Maia available to our members?
You can go to and request a demo.
Dan, thanks for taking the time to talk with us!
Stay tuned for more conversations with healthcare industry leaders on our blog. In the meantime, if you have a question or a content suggestion, please feel free to contact us.
Tags: health plan, healthcare marketing, healthcare technology, Maia Care, Media Logic