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Association of Kerala Medical Graduates launches DronaCare to provide free Covid-19 care advice

The Association of Kerala Medical Graduates (AKMG) recently announced the launch of DronaCare, a no cost platform provided by Innovation Incubator that doctors can use during their leisure time to provide virtual video advice on Covid-19 care for anyone. To ensure that the advice provided through DronaCare is authentic, access to the Doctor signup in the app is restricted to member doctors of the AKMG.

“Our members have been in the forefront in the fight against Covid-19 and while we collectively continue to work towards managing the pandemic in North America and Canada, we also want to extend our support to everyone back in India. In addition to raising funds, we built DronaCare in partnership with Innovation Incubator, to share our expertise in providing Covid-19 care to everyone in India as well,” said Dr. Subrahmanya Bhat MD, President of AKMG and a leading pulmonologist based in Atlanta GA, USA.

DronaCare was built in partnership with Innovation Incubator and is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of both organizations to support the ongoing Covid-19 crisis in India.

“There is a lot of misinformation doing the rounds on Covid-19 and often this leads to critical conditions which could have been prevented. DronaCare gives our volunteering doctors the opportunity to provide reliable and genuine Covid-19 care advice for everyone,” said Dr. Bindu Sudhakaran MD.

AKMG also emphasized the fact that the advice provided through DronaCare is only meant to increase Covid-19 awareness and to provide guidance, and is not a medical consultation.

“There are more than 80,000 medical doctors of Indian origin in the USA. DronaCare is one of the many initiatives at Innovation Incubator to give back to our society. During these challenging times, technology plays a vital role in bridging gaps, sharing expertise and providing care across borders. DronaCare aims to just do that by providing Covid-19 advice easily accessible on demand from specialists across the globe,” said Mr. Ajith Kavirajan, Vice President at Innovation Incubator Advisory Pvt Ltd Kerala, a subsidiary of Innovation Incubator Holding LLC.

Furthermore, Ms. Fathima Saleem, Product Manager at Innovation Incubator added that, “DronaCare was built using minimalist design approach so that anyone who is looking for Covid-19 advice can access it quickly by just registering with a mobile number and language preference. Users can select from a short list of three available doctors and then request advice through a video session.”

DronaCare is available at and the iOS mobile app can be downloaded from the App store. Also, the Android version of the app will be available in the Play Store soon.

AKMG has been the premier and pioneer Alumni Organization in North America {USA and Canada} for Medical and Dental specialists of Kerala origin, since its inception in 1979-80, thereby setting the precedent for an organization of healthcare professionals of any ethnic or international origin in North America.

Innovation Incubator is one of the leading Artificial Intelligence and immersive experience solution startup incubator and accelerator with investments in Real Estate, Healthcare and Clinical research analytics, Automotive, Social Retail and Agrotech founded by Madhavan Padmakumar, Antony Satyadas, Dr Umesh Harigopal and Mahesh Nair, Innovation Incubator portfolio companies benefit from entrepreneurs in residence and jumpstart technology packs such as the Cognitive Fabric, Invention Factory and Data Factory. Headquartered in New York, we also have presence in Boston MA, Leesburg VA, Freehold NJ, Louisville KY and Los Angeles CA  in the USA and Trivandrum, Kerala in India.

AWS Workloads used in DronaCare: A Case Study

  • AWS CodeCommit was used for source versioning and Amazon CodeBuild for CI/CD
  • DNS records were maintained using AWS Route 53
  • Frontend sites were revamped and hosted in Amazon S3
  • Amazon CloudFront was utilized as a CDN to cache the website globally, ensuring faster and more efficient content delivery
  • Serverless deployments were set up using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
  • AWS SSM Parameter Store was used to store secrets, which were encrypted with custom KMS keys
  • We employed an AWS RDS Postgres database, which was encrypted with KMS and configured with Read Replica and Multi-AZ for redundancy
  • User authentication was managed with Amazon Cognito
  • Amazon SNS and Amazon SES were used for sending mails and SMS based on Cognito
  • AWS CloudWatch alarms were integrated with AWS SNS Topics to receive alert emails for service outages
  • For monitoring and troubleshooting our serverless based applications we relied on Amazon CloudWatch Log Groups
  • We have used Amazon LightSail for WordPress sites which we showcased blogs


Summary of AWS Tools used:

Source Code Management: AWS CodeCommit

Continuous Integration Tools: Amazon CodeBuild

Deployment: Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation

Authentication: AWS Cognito, Amazon SNS, Amazon SES

Encryption: AWS KMS

Secret Storage: AWS SSM Parameter Store

Web Hosting: AWS S3, AWS LightSail, AWS CloudFront

DNS Management: AWS Route 53

Logging, Monitoring & Alerting: AWS CloudWatch, AWS SNS
