Case Study

Healthcare WebApp

A security testing solution for a USA-based digital healthcare tech company that provides a 24/7 virtual care service.


Faced with the healthcare industry’s rigorous compliance requirements and the rising risks of cyber-attack, the client needed an effective, affordable way to manage vulnerabilities, threats, and remediation efforts in their web and mobile applications.


The client signed up for vulnerability scanning and threat management solutions for their websites and mobile applications. We conducted host discovery and vulnerability scans on external (internet-facing) and internal IP-based systems and networks. Advanced scanning techniques were used to survey the security posture of the target IP-based systems and networks. These scans proactively test for known vulnerabilities and the existence of mainstream industry best-practice security configurations.

We have found several bugs which are further categorized into Critical, High, Medium & Low as per their severity. Our team is always focused to make developer-friendly reports which can be easily understandable with clear given proof of concepts. We make videos POC with the proper evidence as the security flaws can be easily understood and fixed.

We have provided Each Severity type with a certain time period under which that issue should be fixed. During that period our team was frequently supporting the developers in order to fix those issues quickly. After the fix was completed, our team re-audited the application again to check whether the fixes were done perfectly or not.

The client was able to improve its overall security posture and establish powerful vulnerability and threat management capabilities while operating within existing resource constraints.


A comprehensive report documenting all identified gaps, deficiencies, and vulnerabilities in detail. The final report included the topics listed below.

  1. a) Executive Summary: A Summary of the Scope, Approach, Findings, and recommendations.
  2. b) Core Findings along with Risk Analysis: A view of the core findings along with screenshots.
  3. c) Detailed Findings: The observations are thoroughly examined and categorized as Critical or Non Critical. Furthermore, the risk associated with each observation is assessed and classified as Very High, High, Medium, or Low, depending on its potential impact.
  4. d) In-depth analysis of findings/Corrective Measures & Recommendations along with Risk Analysis.
  5. e) Suggestions and Best Practices.